May 30, 2021
Dr Karl visits Dr Nick to compare two currently popular diets - the Low carbohydrate and the Ketogenic diet. . Dr Fuller talks through the basics of both and and what you can do to make lasting healthy changes.
May 23, 2021
Taxonomy is how science classifies life. Sage Fitzgerald is a coral taxonomist and in this episode she schools Dr Karl on how it works. They discuss the phoenix project and the chase for new coral species and news from the Great Barrier Reef. Sage is also involved in the ‘Pint O Science’ Festival running until 28...
May 16, 2021
Dr Karl visits Dr Nick for an
analysis of the latest diets. In Covid times it is harder to stay
in shape. Dr Fuller talks through the basics and what we can do to
make healthy changes that last.
May 9, 2021
An interview with one of the pilots of a 10.9 km dive into the Mariana Trench. It is deeper than Everest is high . The two-seat submersible is capable of withstanding huge forces and Dr Karl discusses the extreme physics and engineering needed to build and test the craft.
May 2, 2021
When subatomic particles make news, Dr Karl and Professor Lewis are ready to help. The "chubby electron" has been neglected for decades, so why the fuss ? By popular request here is a special episode dedicated to why muons matter.