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Shirtloads of Science

Oct 28, 2018

A.I. is already surrounding us. The internet, cars, courts, recruitment agencies. Already serious issues are surfacing. For instance removing prejudice is proving very difficult. The data sets we train our devices with are imprinting our own society back into the system. Author Ellen Broad leads Dr Karl inside the...

Oct 21, 2018

Inequality. How dangerous is it ? Are our democracies fair ? Author Tim Dunlop says even the Ancient Greeks didn't trust their democracy to popularity contests.  They recognised human weakness and used alternatives. Tim also has a convincing explanation of how privatisation fails and why hope exists. Dr Karl and the...

Oct 14, 2018

Dr. Katerina Kimmorley co-founded Pollinate Energy, a solar startup,  in Bangalore India. She's since helped expand that business to three more cities, cutting carbon and transforming lives. What drove her from Sydney to the the London School of Economics and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation ? Dr. Kimmorley tells Dr...

Oct 7, 2018

Two Polymaths share stories from the past few Millennia.  Bill reveals his DNA profile and links to European History. Karl on Empires and psychopaths. Who said the week should be 7 days long ? How Unready was Ethelred ? Many of Bill Baileys tour dates are sold out. Dr Karl had Laryngitis at the time of recording and...