Feb 24, 2019
Dr Karl probes the Director for Centre for Cyber Security Solutions, Damien Manuel, on digital safety. Smartphones, Digital health records, Credit Cards, Huawei and the most common types of cyber warriors. Update your shields in 2019 because smart refrigerators can launch DDOS attacks. Karl and Damien discuss the...
Feb 17, 2019
Dr Karl meets Daniel Alexander. Daniel donates blood plasma
every second week. Find out how his particular blood can save the
lives of babies. His body chemistry is rare and he's one of oly 150
Australians currently supporting this vital program.
Blood is central to life and our immune system.
Donating in...
Feb 10, 2019
Imagine something that would undo all the bad stuff you put in
your mouth. Now that would be a Super Food. Superfoods do not exist
and Dr Nick Fuller takes Dr Karl through recent claims.
Twitter: @drnickfuller
Website: www.intervalweightloss.com.au
Feb 3, 2019
Dr Karl and AI expert Dean Blumenstein from UTS Sydney discuss the application of drones being deployed on Australian beaches this summer. Can deep learning improve on helicopter surveillance ? Can a drone save someone from drowning faster than lifeguards ? How safe in are we in the hands of AI ?